🎄DCP’s Christmas Charity Appeal 2023 🎄

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This week saw our staff and pupils round up all of our Christmas charity appeals. Yet again we have been so thankful to our pupils, parents and staff who have given so generously to support each of our charities and our local care home.

✨Our KS3 pupils helped to raise an astounding £840 for Trocaire’s Gifts of Change. Pictured are some of our KS3 pupils showcasing the life changing items purchased by our school such as water systems, family essential packs, chicks and goats and items to help protect from climate change, to name a few.✨


✨Our KS4 pupils raised an impressive £330 for our local SVP conference. Pictured is Mr Eugene Kelly collecting the vouchers from some of our Year 13 Dominican Award students who helped coordinate the appeal. The money raised was used to purchase vouchers from some of our local retailers and butchers. These vouchers will be distributed to families in need in the triangle area and will hopefully relieve some of the burden at such a financially stretched time of year. ✨


✨Finally, our KS5 pupils donated to our community appeal whereby they purchased food and toiletries for our Christmas Hampers. Pictured are some of our Year 13 Dominican Award pupils who donated hampers to Madelyane Court, and also brought some Christmas cheer to the local residents. Food items and toiletries were also donated to the Tesco Food Bank for local Church action groups, Women’s Aid and the Simon Community ✨


Last night’s Carol Service was a magnificent success with more than 130 pupils involved in our senior and junior choirs (1 in 5 pupils in the school). Thanks to the enormous generosity of our Dominican families and community we will be able to send a further £760 to help our sister Dominican school in Myanmar.


We would like to thank the entire school community for their immense generosity and a particular mention of thanks to all in our Year 13 Dominican Award who helped organise and oversee the Christmas appeal.

Videos and photos can be accessed on the school X/ Twitter feed- Dominican College Portstewart@DCPveritas.



We wish all of our families joy and peace today, tomorrow, and always.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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