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Developing the Whole Child

Yr 8 Mass 2024

“You Are The Light Of The World”

Our Year 8 pupils and their families celebrate a special start of Year Mass


On Wednesday 2nd October, we were delighted once again to be able to welcome our Year 8 pupils and their families to celebrate in a very special way the beginning of their Dominican journey in a school Mass.


Our Mass was celebrated by Fr Kevin Mc Guckien, our School Chaplain and many of our new Year 8 pupils contributed to the beautiful liturgy.


Our Head of Year 8, Mrs Somers, welcomed pupils and parents to the school and having explained the theme of the mass, described the absolute privilege of working with our new Year 8 pupils as they begin their wonderful journey.

The liturgy of the Mass focused on the talents and uniqueness of every Dominican Year 8 pupil and encouraged them to “be a beacon of hope and inspiration” and to work hard to make their dreams a reality. In preparing for the Mass, our pupils had each designed a poster reflecting their dreams and values and these were displayed on the night. Year 8 pupils helped lead the service in their music, prayers and readings.

In his homily Fr. Kevin told the new year 8 pupils that there was one key reason that the school had planned this evening:

“Tonight is a really special celebration, our Opening of Year Mass marks a very special chapter in your young lives; may God bless each and every one of you at the beginning of this year of promise and opportunity.”

Fr. Kevin encouraged our Year 8 pupils to reflect on a very exciting summer of sport in both the European Championships and The Olympics in Paris where our hearts swelled with pride at the success of local athletes such as Hannah Scott. He developed the theme that the Olympic flame and the Olympic Spirit represents a spirit of unity, perseverance and excellence in just the same way that the Dominican tradition is associated with the flame of faith. Drawing on the two readings from Paul and Matthew, Fr. Kevin also inspired our Year 8 pupils to consider the ways in which they can bring light to the world and how we are all called to make life better for others.

“As in Paris this summer, here in Dominican we can lift, cheer and support each other. The Olympic flame is a reminder to let our own lights shine and our kindness should light up. Each of you in Year 8 are a unique light, in you is the spark of the divine and I encourage you this year to dive into your studies and also to get fully involved in the extra-curricular life of the school. Always show respect to your family and friends and indeed to everyone in your school community; be a shining beacon of positivity in a school whose ethos centres on community, truth and service. As with the Olympic athletes this summer in Paris, we in Dominican come from different backgrounds and, like them, we will grow in compassion, respect and integrity. Year 8, we have Jesus as our ultimate light source, we have the power to spark change in the classroom, the corridor and on the sports field – always aim to be the light that inspires others.”

Fr. Kevin encouraged our young people to realise that they are special to their parents as no one can take their place in the family; equally they are special to their teachers as no one can take their place within the school community:

“May your Dominican journey be filled with light, joy and endless possibilities”.


Fr. Kevin thanked our new Dominican parents for entrusting their child’s education to this great college and assured them their children you will achieve their dreams. What a wonderful college this is that you have chosen to come to, a school so steeped in history and values. Year 8 pupils I wish you every blessing”.

On behalf of the College pupils and parents, Fr. Kevin welcomed Mrs Oliver to the school as our new Dominican Principal. He assured her that she would always be in our thoughts and prayers as she too embarks on her Dominican journey and reassured Mrs Oliver that, despite the challenging nature of a Principal’s job, that she had chosen to come to a wonderful school with a wonderful staff.


Following a post-communion reflection where pupils were encouraged to shine their light brightly, Mrs Oliver, Dominican Principal, thanked Fr Kevin and Ms Rainey and the RE dept for such an inspiring and beautiful liturgy. She spoke of her immense privilege of working with such dedicated Dominican staff and thanked our Year 8 Dominican parents for “Entrusting us as a school with your greatest gift, your children. They are a credit to both you and us as a Dominican family and I hope that you will continue in the weeks, months and year ahead to see us as part of your family working together to ensure your young people achieve their true potential”.