Art Exhibition 2024

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On Thursday 6th June Miss Mc Connell and the Art department hosted the Year 13 Exhibition to allow our very talented and gifted Art students the chance to showcase their work to parents, staff and fellow pupils.

The pupils involved have been invited along with their parents to mark this as a celebration for all their efforts through the year and the exhibition allowed pupils the chance to discuss the formative influences on their work and to display both their finished pieces and the developmental pieces that paved the way for these pieces.

To help inspire our budding Key Stage 3 artists, they have had the chance over recent days to visit the exhibition to help inspire their creativity. The artwork will remain on display for the final few weeks of this term. Hopefully some pieces will end up on public display in parts of the school over the coming months allowing a more permanent display of such fabulous art.

Our Head of Art, Miss Laura McConnell, praised our pupils today, “The aim of today was to celebrate the artistic achievements of our Year 13 Art students  and to recognise all their hard work throughout the year. Hopefully seeing our senior pupils work on display will inspire our younger Art students to continue to study the subject. I am delighted that almost 1 in 4 of our Year 11 pupils will commence GCSE Art in September.

In terms of our Year 13 pupils, I am looking forward greatly to seeing them complete their A2 studies next tear and to hopefully see some of them in the years beyond continue to pursue careers in the creative and cultural industries – currently one of the fastest growing employment sectors”.

Thank you to all our parents and families for taking the time today to come and see the work of our very talented pupils.

Our L6 Art Students are:

  • Eliza Hemphill
  • Jodie Elliott
  • Anna Gordon
  • Mia Turner
  • Zuzanna Sobera
  • Mia Fullerton
  • Dara Kealey McDonald
  • Jessica Vance


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