- History


The History Department at Dominican College encourages students of all abilities to reach their full potential in all aspects of their historical study. The Department is committed to providing a learning environment that will allow all our students to develop an understanding of the past and how it has shaped the world we live in today. The Department has a committed attitude to maintain high standards of discipline and work. It is the view of the Department that although skills-based approaches are very important to developing our students’ abilities; it is of great worth to provide our students with a broad overview of how history fits together.  To this end, as much as the rich tapestry of history as possible has been included in the Programme of Study at KS3 so that all pupils get a wide exposure of past peoples, places, and events. This varied flavour is again seen at KS4 and KS5 and has a varied range of topics.


At Key Stage 3 Pupils are given opportunities to extend and deepen their chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history, so that it provides a well-informed context for wider learning. Pupils will study significant events, make connections, draw contrasts, and analyse trends within periods and over long arcs of time. Pupils will also learn to use historical terms and concepts in increasingly sophisticated ways and pursue historically valid enquiries including some they have framed themselves. Pupils will also understand how different types of historical sources are used rigorously to make historical claims and discern how and why contrasting arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed.

Example Topics

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

UNIT 1 – Historical Skills

UNIT 1 – Renaissance and Reformation

UNIT 1 – An introduction to the 20th Century and the themes of War and discrimination

UNIT 2 -The Norman Conquest

UNIT 2 – Tudors and Stuarts

UNIT 2- Holocaust

UNIT 3- Mountsandel Forest

UNIT 3 –  Ireland – Plantation and its impact

UNIT 3 – Partition of Ireland 1912- 1921


Exam Board: CCEA

Breakdown of course

GCSE History

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 1 Exam : 1 hr 45 mins

Weighting: 60%

Unit 2 – Exam: Ihr 15 mins

Weighting: 40%

Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–45

Relations: Northern Ireland and its Neighbours, 1965–98

Unit 2: Outline Study International Relations, 1945–2003

A Level

Exam Board: CCEA

Breakdown of course

As History

Unit 1: Exam 1 hour 3omins

Exam weighting:  50% of AS, 20% of A Level

Unit 2: Exam 1 hour 30mins

Exam weighting: 50% of AS, 20% of A Level

Unit 1

Historical Interpretations and investigations

Germany 1919-1945

Unit 2:

Historical Conflict and Change

Russia 1914-1941

A2 History

Unit 1: Exam 1 hr 15 mins

Exam weighting: 20% of A Level

Unit 2: Exam 2hrs 30 mins

Exam weighting: 40% of A Level

Unit 1

Change over Time

Clash of Ideologies 1900-2000

Unit 2 Historical Interpretations and Investigations

Ireland 1775-1803

Career Opportunities

Provide overview of what courses can be pursued following this, eg tertiary education courses, higher level apprenticeships, examples of areas to work in.






Education Officer




Museum Curator

History professor


Tour Guide & Heritage work

Civil Service

Undergraduate degrees are often focused on a specific period, region or topic. Or they include combinations with social sciences or languages. Most come with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree award. Examples of degrees and apprenticeships include:



BA Modern and ancient History

Archaeological specialist apprenticeship

BA Modern and Contemporary History

Archive and Record Manager apprenticeship

BA Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic

Curator apprenticeship

BSC Economic History and Geography

Heritage specialist apprenticeship

BA/BSC History and Politics

Historic environment apprenticeship

BA Modern Languages and History

Musuem and Gallery apprenticeship

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