We aim to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential according to their individual abilities and we identify which pupils are low achieving and under achieving to take steps to improve their attainment.
Establishing a Baseline Position in Year 8
At the beginning of Year 8, all Year 8 pupils complete the GL Assessment: Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) and Progress Test in Maths (PTM), and pupils who might benefit from additional Numeracy support are identified. Intervention strategies/numeracy support are put in place for these pupils and their progress monitored and reported back to parents.
Professional judgement of staff
Subject teachers also make a professional judgement as to which pupils might benefit from additional Numeracy support. The judgements are made based on classwork, homework and the result of subject core assessments. When a teacher identifies a pupil who they feel would benefit from extra Numeracy support, they make a referral.
Informing staff about pupils receiving Numeracy Support
All teachers are informed of pupils receiving Numeracy support at the start of each school year and when the groups are revised at the end of each term. Teachers are updated as pupils leave/enter the support programme.
Nature of support
Dominican College implements a wide range of strategies to support pupils with Numeracy needs which may include:
- Discrete one to one or group support sessions with a dedicated Numeracy support teacher;
- Weekly peer mentoring programme with senior pupils;
- A range of strategies in class such as effective questioning, group work, individual task completion, extended activities, target setting, peer, and self-evaluations;
- Providing pupils and parents with a list of resources, websites, online video tutorials etc to reinforce and practice learning that is taking place in the classroom;
- Informing parents on Numeracy initiatives, strategies and ways in which they can help their child to improve their confidence and skills in Numeracy;
- Using classroom assistants to work closely with the Numeracy Co-ordinator, Numeracy Support Teacher and subject teachers to assist the pupil with focused and differentiated class work, tasks and homework to improve their skills in Numeracy.