- School Attendance

School Attendance

Every School Day Matters

  • Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning.
  • Attendance percentages can be misleading. If a pupil’s attendance is 90% or below the form teacher must draw attention to this in their comment on the pupil’s report.
  • We strive for excellent attendance in Dominican College.


% Attendance

Number of days missed


Tier 1a


0 Days Missed




Up to 9 Days of Absence

1 Week and 4 Days of Learning Missed


Tier 1b


Up to 19 Days of Absence

3 Weeks and 4 Days of Learning Missed

At Risk

Tier 2


Up to 37 Days of Absence

5 Weeks and 2 Days of learning Missed


Tier 3

79% or below

38 Days (or more) of Absence

7 Weeks and 3 Days (or more) of Learning Missed

Severe Chronic

  • For some pupils and parents 90% may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, but the reality is that 90% attendance means that you will miss half a school day each week or 19 days of school during the school year – that’s nearly 4 school weeks!
  • If your attendance is 90% continually throughout your time at school over 5 years you will miss the equivalent of about one half of a school year!

New DE guidelines on the use of Absence Tiers:

Tier 1a – Pupils with “Regular Attendance” missing 0% – 4.9% of school (< 1 day per month)

Tier 1b – Pupils “At Risk Attendance” missing 5%-9.9% (1+ day per month)

Tier 2 – Pupils recognised with “Chronic Attendance”, missing 10% – 19.9% (2-3 days per month)

Tier 3 – Pupils recognised as “Severe Chronic Attendance”, missing 20% or more of school.

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