- Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

The health, social care and early years sectors in Northern Ireland are major employers making the study of Health and Social Care both applicable and relevant. We cover a wide range of topics GSCE and A Level including health and well being, providing services, care values, holistic health and policies.

GCSE Health and Social Care

Exam Board: CCEA

Breakdown of course




Unit 1:

Personal Development,

Health and Well-Being.

In this unit, students investigate human development throughout the life stages.

They also investigate factors affecting health and well-being, including relationships

and the impact of major life changes.

External written


1 hour 30 mins

100 marks

Students answer three

questions that require

short responses and

extended writing.


Unit 2:

Working in the Health, Social Care and Early Years


In this unit, students develop their understanding of the world of work in the health,

social care and early years sectors and how the needs of different service user

groups are met. Students learn about a range of job roles in health, social care and

early years services and how practitioners apply the values of care.

Controlled assessment

100 marks

Students complete the

controlled assessment


Teachers mark the task

and we moderate the



A Level Health and Social Care

Exam Board: CCEA

Breakdown of course

AS Course Content




AS 1:

Promoting Quality


Internal assessment

Students produce a written

report based on practice in a

health, social care or early

years setting that they have


25% of AS

10% of Alevel

AS 2:

Communication in

Health, Social Care

and Early Years


Internal assessment

Students produce a written

report on communication in

a health, social care or early

years setting.

25% of AS

10% of Alevel

AS 3:

Health and


External written examination

2 hours

Students answer three

compulsory questions.

50% of AS

20% of Alevel

A2 Course Content




A2 4: Public Health

and Health


Internal assessment

Students produce a report

on public health issues and

how they are being

addressed in Northern

Ireland, undertake a health

promotion activity and

report their findings.

15% of A level

A2 5:


the Family

Internal assessment

Students produce a review

of changes to family

structure, a case study and a

report on services for

families experiencing issues.

15% of A level

A2 3:

Providing Services

External written

examination based on

pre-release material

2 hours

Students answer three

compulsory questions.

30% of A level

Career Opportunities

The study of Health and Social Care is broad and varied. Students are encouraged to approach the subject with vigour and get fully involved in the vocational nature of this subject through placements in an early years setting and a care home. Students are provided with knowledge and skills which they can transfer across different subjects and in further education; research skills, quality written communication and the ability to analyse. The study of Health and Social Care will contribute to future careers, a small example being; nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and social work.

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