Dominican College Charity Update December 2021

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Sharing The Gift of Love

Dominican College Charity Update December 2021

Normally every Christmas, each form class in the whole school gathers items for a food hamper for SVP. This has become a very important Dominican tradition over the years and we encourage all pupils to do all they can to help those less fortunate than ourselves within and beyond our local community.

This year, that cannot happen, and therefore each Key Stage in the school have taken part in a different fundraising effort.

For Key Stage 3 pupils (Year 8 – 10), our 2021 focus was on raising money for Trocaire’s ‘Gifts of Love’ and helping those beyond our school community.

Each form class in the school was given the challenge to raise as much money as they possibly can. Then, with their money, the form class with the guidance of their form teacher, were able to choose which of the ‘gifts of love’ they would like to purchase as a class.

When we donated the money our classes raised to Trocaire on your behalf, they have been able to buy these gifts themselves and deliver them to families most in need.

We are delighted to inform you that our Key Stage 3 pupils and form teachers have raised an incredible £1000.00 for the Trocaire Gifts of Love Appeal. This will enable us to buy (so far) on their behalf:

2 supplies of emergency water,

4 supplies of seeds

4 goats

6 new water filters

4 chicks

6 supplies of soap

3 supplies of school lunches

3 supplies of tools.

 Key Stage 4 Fundraising

Our Year 11 and 12 pupils have been collecting for those in need within our local community. By each making a small contribution pupils have ensured that we can provide vouchers for our local St Vincent De Paul Society.

AS and A2 Fundraising

Our Year 13 and 14 pupils have focused on bringing the gifts of love to the elderly in our local community. Each pupil has contributed to hampers which will soon be distributed to our local Care Home, Madelayne Court. Our seniors have also contributed £1.00 each to our SVP appeal.

Dominican Staff have also been contributing by donating small gifts or toiletries and by adding to our Trocaire monies as part of the gifts of love appeal.

Christmas Carol Service 2021

This Wednesday (December 15th) we will record our traditional Carol Service in Star of the Sea Church and will make this recording available to enable our school community to share in the joy of Christmas.

School Jumpers Day

On Friday 17th December we will raise additional money for charity in the form of a school jumper day. Pupils are asked to contribute £1.00 on the day.

We hope that our sixth year pupils will host their traditional Christmas quiz in a safe, socially distanced way, on the morning of Tuesday 21st December.

School will end after period 3 on Wednesday 22nd December and school will recommence on Thursday 6th January 2022. Pupils should note that we will start back on a Week 2. We have made some changes to our school dates for the Spring Term- these are updated on the School Calendar.


As a school we would like to thank all or pupils, staff and their families for all you are doing to raise funds for all the different appeals.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our pupils, parents and Dominican families a very happy and safe Christmas.

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