Dominican College Open Afternoons

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(Wednesday 31st January and Wednesday 7th February 2024)

Due to severe weather conditions the school had to cancel our open night on Wednesday 17th January. The open morning on Friday 19th January took place as planned with a large number of families in attendance. We would like to thank our local primary school principals for helping facilitate this and for their continued support for Dominican College.


The school have had a large number of requests from parents asking for a tour/visit to the school as they were unable to attend the open morning. To facilitate these requests the school would like to invite families who missed the open morning to attend a “mini” tour of the school and senior staff will be available to meet and speak with parents/children to answer any questions. We have chosen the following two afternoons:


Wednesday 31st Jan 2024 from 3.30-4.30 PM

Wednesday 7th Feb 2024 from 3.30-4.30  PM


Parents can book into one of these afternoons using Eventbrite. In order to book a space(s) links are provided below.


Links for events below:


Wednesday 31st January:


Wednesday 7th February:



Children should complete their normal day at primary school and attend in their primary school uniform,


We very much look forward to meeting some P6 and P7 pupils with their parents on either Wednesday 31st January or Wednesday 7th February.


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