Dominican College Sports Awards 2023

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Today at a special Key Stage 3 Assembly we were able to celebrate the sporting talents of our Key Stage 3 pupils. Leading our assembly for the final time this year, our principal Mr Lynch explained that:

“A key part of my job as principal of this school is to help all pupils to develop all of your talents and sport is a really great way of doing this. Sport of course helps keep us active but more than that it builds teamwork and friendship. Teams work together to help solve problems and sport promotes a respect for the self and for others helping you become stronger and more focused. Losing in a team sport can often build resilience and a determination to succeed in the future.

The best form of discipline is self-discipline; when you set the standards and obey your own rules and participation in sport teaches us this form of discipline. Today’s awards are about more than skill with a football, netball or sliotar- they are about you turning up for practice, for competing and for working together. I want to thank in a special way today the PE Department and all the staff who have helped out with team sports this school year”.


Year 8 Football Team

Mr Carey explained at the start of September that more than 20 year 8 pupils turned up for the very first Dominican football practice. Each of these boys stayed together and played together over the course of the year going on to win their league final in May beating Magherafelt High School. He praised the boys’ attitude and commitment across the season.

Our Year 8 team are pictured below with their medals.

Year 9 Football Team

The Year 9 built on a successful season last year by going on to also win their league. Mr Carey explained how this might be down to a change of manager at the start of the season and he thanked Mr Hegarty and Mr Gault for all their help with coaching the junior boys and girl footballers this year. Our junior teams will play in the A leagues next year.

Our Year 9 team are pictured below with their medals.

U14 Boys’ and Girls’ Gaelic

Mr Carey congratulated our Gaelic teams for all their commitment and passion over the course of the season. He congratulated the boys for reaching the finals of the blitz in Derry narrowly losing out on winning and presented them with their medals at today’s assembly.

The Girls’ Team also received their medals today. The girls also played in the NI Colleges final and were also narrowly beaten on the final day after a very successful campaign.  Mr Carey thanked the girls for all their tremendous work over the season and also thanked Mr McGoldrick for all of his coaching. He also praised the netballers on a very successful season which saw superb levels of participation and achievement.


Best Overall Boy at Key Stage 3 Sports Award: Dara Hughes

Well done to Dara Hughes from year 10 who received this award at today’s assembly.

This award was presented to the school in 2010 by the U6 Year group in memory of Miki McCallum and is presented each year to the Key Stage 3 boy who best represents sport in the school in terms of attitude, participation and representing the school.

We are delighted this year to present the award to Dara Hughes who has represented the school superbly in both football and Gaelic as well as being a very talented golfer. Dara has also been a junior prefect this year and personifies all the best qualities of a Dominican student and is a wonderful role model for junior boys to look up to.

Very well done, Dara.

Dara is pictured below being presented with his cup by Mrs Park and Mr Carey.

Best Overall Girl at Key Stage 3 Sports Award: Eirean Hickey

This award was presented to the school by the Geddis family in memory of Zachary and is presented each year to the Key Stage 3 girl who best represents sport in the school in terms of attitude, participation and representing the school.

We are delighted this year to present this award to Eirean Hickey has represented the school brilliantly in both netball and Gaelic and football. She has been a reliable member of all these teams with a superb attitude and was described by Mrs Park as, “Someone who could run my team without me being there!”

Like Dara, Eirean personifies all the best qualities of a Dominican student and is a wonderful role model for our junior girls to look up to.


Eirean is pictured below being presented with her cup by Mr Carey.

Well done to our PE Department this year and to all the staff who gave so generously of their time and talent.

Congratulations to all our pupils who took part in all sporting activities this year. We hope to see you all back competing, training and succeeding next year.

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