Overview of Dominican College Induction Days 2023

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Well done to all staff and pupils after a busy week of Induction days for various Year groups.

Today our new Year 8 pupils spent their first full day as Dominicans following on from a series of visits to the school in June. Our newest pupils had the chance to get to meet their new form class and form teacher and helped to get to know other pupils by completing a range of activities including a scavenger hunt.

Pupils across the school also had a range of activities organised by their year heads and form teachers and found time during all the work and planning for some bonding time including a bouncy castle for Key stage 3 pupils and our Year 12 pupils were rewarded for their excellent results with a treat from the ice-cream van.

Our U6 prefect and senior prefect teams received their badges during today’s induction and we look forward to working with this team to help ensure the happiness, security and success of all our pupils. Each day began with our principal, Mr Lynch, setting out his vision of how each year group can and will achieve their full potential both within and beyond the classroom. On Friday we were delighted to welcome our Chaplain, Fr Kevin McGukien to speak to our new Year 8 pupils at the start of their Dominican journey.

All pupils should now have a copy of their individual timetable, their stationery and bus pass and should be fully ready for the start of normal teaching next week – pupils should note that next week is week one.

Pupils have behaved excellently this week and standards of uniform have been exemplary. Thank you to all our Dominican parents in helping to get our young people ready for the challenges of another school Year.

We would like in a particular way to welcome all of our new pupils this week to the Dominican family.


Below are a series of images from our 2023 Induction Days.


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