U6 Dominican Leavers’ mass 2023

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Every beginning comes from some other beginning’s end

On Thursday May 4th, almost seven years after they took their first steps in Dominican College, our U6 pupils, staff and parents attended a Leavers’ Mass to celebrate in a very special way the ending  of their Dominican journey.

Our Mass was celebrated by Fr Kevin Mc Guckien, our new Parish Priest and School Chaplain and were also delighted to be able to share this valuable experience with our U6 pupils and families in Star of The Sea Church.


The theme of the mass was beginnings and endings and, welcoming pupils and families, Fr Kevin spoke of how the end of their time in Dominican was also a new beginning to be embraced.

A special ceremony of light, led by our Head of Year 14 Mrs Manson, enabled parents, pupils and staff to reflect on the light of wisdom and truth that teachers passed on to pupils and the light ,“that parents always left on for you” at home and how pupils should remember that, “There will always be a light left burning for you in that place called home”


In his homily, Fr. Kevin, told pupils how St. Paul calls on us to realise that we are all special and precious in God’s eyes and that, “God willing”, they would all be able to write their own story and to fulfil their true potential. The challenge he suggested is to see how our story can be both the best it can be and fit into God’s story for us. Fr Kevin encouraged pupils to, “Stretch beyond the immediate horizon and to be the very best that you can be”. Seeing their final days in Dominican as the “End of a chapter”, Fr. Kevin told pupils “Not to be afraid to be great and, God willing you can and will do great things. To give yourself to his plan is to lose nothing and to gain everything”.

Concluding his homily, Fr Kevin thanked and congratulated the sixth form pupils for repeatedly supporting each other and exclaimed, “You all give us great hope for the future”.

Our senior choir led us with inspirational singing during the service led by Mr Cloughley and Miss Minihan; for many of them this would be their final time taking part in a Dominican choir.


At the end of the U6 Leavers’ Mass our school Principal, Mr Gerry Lynch, spoke to our pupils, staff and parents. He spoke of the theme of the Dominican family and how special the Year 14 group have been throughout their time in DCP.

He thanked in a particular way Fr. Kevin for his strong support for the school and for the special, meaningful and inclusive way that he had celebrated today’s ceremony.

Mr Lynch also thanked all the teaching staff of the school for all they have done collectively and individually over the past seven years to help out class of 2023; in a particular way he spoke of the wonderful work done by Mrs Little, our Year 14 Study Superviser and Mrs Manson, our Head of Year 14,  who sees her Year 14 pupils as “her special children”.

Moving on to speak to our VIPs- the U6 pupils themselves, Mr Lynch paid tribute to all they had achieved and contributed in their time in school. Developing his theme of true teamwork he explained how in real teams, “Together Everyone Achieves More” and spoke of many years of involvement in musicals, choirs and sports as well as excellent academic standards. He also praised the positive role models our senior pupils provided to our younger pupils.

Reflecting on the theme of ending and beginning, Mr Lynch spoke of an ex-colleague once telling him that the two hardest things in life are saying hello for the first time and goodbye for the last time. He spoke of the day as a genuinely emotional one for staff, parents and of course the pupils themselves.


Further reflecting on the disruption to their school lives caused by Covid-19, Mr Lynch explained how he had no doubt that this helped build strength of character, empathy, resilience and self-discipline and he encouraged our leavers to never give up, never to lose faith or hope.


Concluding his valedictory speech Mr Lynch drew on the words of St Catherine of Siena, a great Dominican – “Be who God wants you to be and you will set the world on fire”. He finished off by describing how good Dominicans inspire themselves while:

“Great Dominicans inspire others around them”.


Following on from their Leavers’ Mass the U6 pupils returned to school for food, ice-cream, bouncy castles and an emotional trip down memory lane in the form of a photo and video slide show.


All staff in DCP would like to wish our class of 2023 all the very best in their upcoming exams and in all they will go on to achieve beyond Dominican College.


They may be leaving DCP but DCP will never leave them.


Leavers’ Dates


Our Year 13 pupils leave on Friday May 5th

Our Year 12 pupils will finish class on Tuesday 9th May with a special service for parents in Star of the Sea at 2.15.

Pupils and parents have now received a Year 12 Revision Timetable.


Our Year 11 pupils will commence study leave for two weeks beginning at the end of school on Thursday 11th May. They will return to timetabled class on Tuesday 30th May.




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