Update from Dominican College Myanmar

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Our school continues to support Dominican education at this very difficult time in Myanmar.

Fr.  Moses has just sent this update thanking us for our support.


Thank you very much for always keeping us in your prayers. The situation is becoming complicated as the military is using every means to control the public. We, Dominicans in Myanmar have formed 5 teams to respond to the humanitarian crisis in the country.

1.Emergency Response Team.

2 Educational Support  Team

3. Healthcare Team,

4. Psycho-Spiritual Assistance Team

5. Rebuilding Up Team.


We will try to relieve the sufferings collectively as Dominicans. Together with us, Religious Missionary Sisters of St. Dominic and Dominican Sisters of Blessed Imelda will be collaborating with us. Continue to pray for us so that we get support from the international community and be able to give assistance to those who are in need.

Thank you.



Fr. Moses

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