Well Done to our Bronze Award Duke of Edinburgh Students

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There’s Bronze in Those Hills…

Well Done to our Bronze Award Duke of Edinburgh Students

At Assembly this week we acknowledged the dedication and hard work of our Twenty-four Year 12 students who earned their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award in Year 11.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a highly recognised and challenging program that encourages young people to push their boundaries, develop new skills, and contribute to their communities.

Completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award requires a significant amount of time, energy, and determination. Each participant has to complete a volunteer, physical, skill and expedition section; the students who complete it will know that it is not merely about completing a set of activities; its about developing skills to contribute towards becoming well-rounded, responsible Dominican individuals who are ready to face the challenges of the world.

Last summer’s expedition section pushed each of our twenty-four students out of their comfort zone in different ways. None of the Bronze team would say it was easy, nearly all of them would say that it was worth it. Some pupils walked for longer than they would have liked, some navigated through forests with a few wrong turns, some had to fight off midges and some missed the comfort of their bed, shower and phone.

Each team has an aim to complete during their expedition and the aim for both groups was to create a video that captured their expedition experience. The team might not be overyjoyed  that we showed some of these videos to provide an insight into the expedition experience.

Each student was presented with their Bronze Certificate at morning assembly this week and Miss Hassard and Mrs Elliot spoke of their great pride in all that their Bronze Award cohort had achieved both individually and collectively

“ We want to congratulate each and every Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award recipient for their achievements. Your dedication, perseverance, and accomplishments this far have been truly commendable. We are proud to have such ambitious and resilient students in DCP. We hope that your success will motivate and inspire our younger students to follow in your footsteps. We also greatly look forward to continuing in your Duke of Ed journey as we carry out work on the Silver Award.”

Our Bronze Award pupils are:

  • Dillon Adams
  • Cara Bertuccelli
  • Luba Bozheskul
  • Bea Bryne
  • Erin Duffy
  • Grace Goode
  • Jacob Hall
  • Jake Hallam
  • Molly Hasson
  • Kerry Howe
  • Rose Hudson
  • Christian Hunter
  • Emily Knox
  • Lucy MacDonald
  • Archie Magee
  • Joe Marshall
  • Jessica Mclernon
  • Connor O’Brien
  • Derrien Pollock
  • Lois Ridley-Anderson
  • PJ Terrington
  • Vinnie Thomas
  • Aoibhe Wilson
  • Caitlin Wilson


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