Well done to Our Junior Choir growing together in perfect harmony

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Well done to all the members of our Dominican College junior choir who were today presented with a certificate and a badge for all their commitment to the choir this year. In a special celebration in the school chapel today Mr Lynch and Miss Minihan celebrated the choir’s success in winning the best ‘Grammar and Secondary School Competition’ at Portstewart Music Festival and for all their dedication and enthusiasm.

Miss Minihan spoke of her pride and delight in working with the junior choir made up of pupils from years 8, 9 and 10. She spoke of how she hoped that for many this was only the beginning of their involvement in music in Dominican and that they would progress on in time to the senior choir with Mr Cloughley. Miss Minihan explained that she hoped the choir would have many more opportunities to develop their talents, grow in confidence and participate in the musical life of the school and how she hoped that they would inspire a new wave of Dominican students to join up.

In presenting the certificates Mr Lynch, spoke of the importance with Dominican College of pupils developing their full potential within and beyond academic success in the areas of drama, sport and Music. He spoke of his immense pride in the junior choir not just for their success this year but for the way they have worked as a team to develop their musical talents and how they have willingly invested their time to nurture and grow in ability. He explained that success does not come overnight and that talent combined with hard work creates a passion for life and how the ability to learn, develop and grow as part of a team like a choir is a key skill sought by employers.
Mr Lynch explained to the junior boys and girls that being in a choir will also develop life-long friendships and how he hoped that they would continue to be inspired by their time with Miss Minihan and Mr Cloughley and take part in choirs and music beyond Dominican.

Mr Lynch paid tribute to Miss Minihan for all her work in developing the junior choir this year and how he hoped they would have lots of future opportunities to sing and grow together in perfect harmony.

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