Fr. Raymond celebrates his 20th anniversary as our school chaplain

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{module_photogallery,36860} Following on from the Silver Jubilee of his ordination as a priest in June, Fr. Raymond McCullagh, today celebrated his twentieth anniversary as Dominican Chaplain in our start of year Mass in Star of the Sea Church. The theme of today’s Liturgy was “Love One Another” and the readings and prayers reflected this theme. The senior choir provided the music for today’s ceremony with beautiful renditions of “An Irish Blessing” and “Dominican Magnificat” amongst others. In today’s introduction, Our Head Girl explained the theme is fitting for Fr. Raymond and his work for L’Arche and Habitat for Humanity and how, today we pray too that we will be inspired to create a school community where everyone feels they belong and their gifts and talents are cherished. Our Head Boy, Luke McKergan and Head Girl Ciara Campbell concluded today’s ceremony by presenting Fr Raymond with a specially designed stained glass picture of DCP to grace his wall alongside his signed and deeply treasured picture of Jurgen Klopp. Dominican Staff gathered after the mass to celebrate Fr Raymond’s unique contribution to our school community Fr. Raymond told staff that he remembered Bishop Farquhar’s fiftieth anniversary mass in 2015 and that he hopefully has half of his time as a priest remaining. He spoke of the warmth of the Dominican Community and how he has always treasured his time as school chaplain and hopes that his next twenty years will prove as fruitful and enjoyable. Reflecting on his very first Dominican school assembly in 1999 Fr Raymond described his great nerves as he thought about the prospect of the challenge of speaking to more than 400 children for five minutes about God. Thanking staff, Fr. Raymond concluded, “For all that has been, thanks. To all that shall be, yes”. {module_photogallery,36861}

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