Important Update on Parent Meetings and Tracking Reports

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{module_photogallery,37004} Following instructions from the Department of Education, we regret that it will not be possible for the school to hold the parent meetings which were originally scheduled for this term. The parent meetings currently postponed include: Year 14 (originally scheduled for October 20th). Year 13 (originally scheduled for November 10th). Year 12 (originally scheduled for November 19th). Updates will follow about the parent meetings scheduled for term 2 if there are any amendments to Department of Education instructions. Pupils in all year groups are currently completing a range of tracking tasks and parents will receive the first of this year’s Tracking Reports by the end of November. This report shows each pupil’s attainment measured against their target grade in each individual subject. Where a pupil is working at five or more marks above their target score the mark will be coloured green; where it is within 5 marks of the target grade it will be yellow and where a pupil’s outcome is 5 or more marks below target it will be red. The school would like to take this opportunity to thank all our parents for their support for the school in the first half of this term and for their continued support as we continue to work together to ensure the best for our young people.

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