Meet the 2021-22 U6 prefect team

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{module_photogallery,37129} Robert Anson Heinlein once said that you can never pay back the people who helped you when you were first starting out, so all you can do is pay it forward to those who come after you. Today, on their final day of L6, we were delighted to be both able to pay back the loyalty and service of our Dominican students and also to inspire them to “pay it forwards” in terms of showing our younger pupils the essence of being a Dominican student. Each year pupils and staff are asked to vote for our prefect and senior prefect team- this year we decided to add a pupil interview to the process of selecting the senior team. Well done to all our new U6 Year group- you all represent all that is great about DCP. Thank you also for signing up to help with our well-being days next week and in keeping the tradition where our older Dominican pupils pass on the gifts of leadership and friendship to our younger pupils. Below are the senior prefect team and our team of prefects for the 2021-22 school Year. We are very much looking forward to working with all this year group to help with the smooth and successful running of the school. Head Boy – Lewis Hawthorne Head Girl – Mia Ramage Deputy Head Boy – Charlie Henry Deputy Head Girl – Aoife Loughrey Senior Prefect – Naoise Swanson Cooney Senior Prefect – Sophie Smyth Sports Captain – Sophie Scott Prefects Olivia Dunbar Abbie Douglas Jodi Adams Niamh Porter Liam Douglas Corrado Morelli Lillian McLarnon Eva Kelly Margo Deering Kelli McNeill Travis Frew Ava Kelly Christopher Smith Millie Marshall Oran Doherty Adam Park Bryan Adrain Lucy Glass Ryan Doherty Martyna Nielson Sophie Scott It has been an honour and a privilege to work with this group of young people and we as a school community wish them all the very best as they enter their final year as a DCP Student. {module_photogallery,37156}

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