Our U6 “buddies” offer our new Year 8 pupils the hand of friendship

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{module_photogallery,36869} Following on from relationships developed during the Beach Walk, today our new Year 8 pupils had the opportunity to meet with their U6 “Buddy” who will help ensure a positive transition for them as they commence their new school. Today also gave our Junior SVP group a chance to welcome the new Year 8 pupils to our school. Mrs Dallat and Mrs Willighan explained how they felt that while so much of the work of this group is targeted on helping those outside the school; today they thought it would be beneficial to reach out to help our youngest pupils. The group had a coffee morning with our new year 8 Pupils and gave them a chance to sit and chat with the U6 pupils who will provide them with friendship, leadership and mentorship during this key year of their Dominican journey. Our year 8 pupils have been very excited about the prospect of meeting their new “Buddy” and pupils have been carefully matched up to ensure that our most senior pupils can provide help with organisation, friendship and support to their junior counterparts. As a school we are delighted with the way our Year 8 pupils have settled into their new school and all the challenges associated with transition and change. Our Year 8 pupils will celebrate their special Start of Year Mass on Thursday 3rd October with Fr Raymond our school Chaplain with the theme of “Dream Big”. We look forward to welcoming our Year 8 pupils, their parents and families. {module_photogallery,36868}

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