Year 12 2021 Leaving Information

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{module_photogallery,37129} We would like to thank all our Year 12 pupils for all their work over recent weeks and throughout their first five years as Dominican students. We would also like to thank our Dominican parents for their ongoing support. Year 12 pupils will have their final school day on Friday 21st May upon completion of all the assessment units that will be used to decide their centre Determined Grades. Staff and pupils have worked very hard over recent weeks to complete all work. Pupils should aim to remain in contact with their school email over the next few weeks to help ensure that all work has been submitted. We are looking forward to celebrating this important milestone in our Year 12 pupils’ Dominican journey with them tomorrow and expect the usual exemplary standards of behaviour that this group have always shown. We are very proud of this year group and all they have achieved and will continue to achieve as they journey into A Level next year. We are very much looking forward to celebrating our Year 12 results on Thursday 12th August and will invite each year 12 to an individually scheduled interview on August 12th or 13th. Fr Raymond has today celebrated a leavers’ service with each of the form groups and we are sorry that it has not been possible to have our traditional Year 12 leavers’ service with parents this year. We are planning a Sixth Form Information Day in June ( details to follow) and the Year 12’s will attend this as part of their planning for return to school next year. Have a safe and happy Summer holiday year 12 and we very much looking forward to your successful return to Year 13.

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