Year 14 Leaving Mass 21 updated

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{module_photogallery,37142} To view/download invitation to view live Mass click here. Update. On Thursday 13th May our U6 class of 2021 spent their final day as Dominican pupils. We were absolutely delighted to be able to give these pupils a special sense of occasion as they begin to contemplate life beyond Dominican College. We would like to thank Fr. Raymond for celebrating our Leavers’ Mass in Star of The Sea Church and for the staff and pupils who worked so hard at such short notice to make this such a fitting send off. We were also able to recognise and reward our ten Upper Sixth John Paul 11 pupils with their Gold Awards at this service- well done to these pupils and to all our Year 14 pupils on all they have achieved during their time with us. Unfortunately, it was not possible to welcome our Dominican families to this service due to strict numbers but we are delighted to make available this video link which will allow us to share in the days and weeks to come. It has been an honour and a privilege to work with this group of young people and we as a school community wish them all the very best in all they will do beyond DCP. Below is the link to the 2021 Leaver’s Mass. To view/download click here. {module_photogallery,37143}

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